There is huge buzz of latest blog buster movie called ‘Ready’ starrer bollywood’s coolest hunk Salman Khan. People are desperately waiting to see ‘Naya Roop’ of Chulbul Pandayji’. There is one more Khan movie present in the pipeline, that is RA.ONE starrer Bollywood’s King SRK. Though this movie is set to release during winter but from now the huge hype has been created by the director. King Shahrukh Khan said that “it is prime responsibility of filmmaker to alert the viewers about upcoming movie so that movie lovers can make their mind and mood to give joyful and great response to movie. He added ‘In India, the sum of superhero movies is very less but still this kind of experiments have been attempted through many brilliant directors, like Drona and Krrish, due to that we have decided to release the trailer of RA.ONE as soon as possible to capture the attention of viewers towards movie. Unforgettably he had mention the major attraction or soul of this movie is that it is India’s 1st movie which is VFX technology based.
Ohh...I forgot, a big question mark must be hanging over your head after reading the title, so I am going to uncover the suspense. The most romantic hero of bollywood and dream man of many girls got signs of growing age on his charming face but especially for RA.ONE movie SRK has done plastic surgery on his face to conceal his wrinkles. I think through this amazing action, SRK has moved his first step towards “Perfection”. SRK had been asked that as per prominent superheroes, are you going to come up with dazzling masks, on that he answered that one of girls who is working with him had demand that if she won’t get to see SRK’s face in movie, she won’t watch the movie that’s why I made my mind and decided not to cover my face by mask, from this we got our tagline that ‘every superhero comes with mask but I am the one who wear his heart’.
In this most awaited movie you are going be mesmerize by seeing SRK’s bluish eyes, as for Shahrukh Khan, his blue eyes are allied to electricity, even his superhero suit is made in blue and the belt too. Hang on, hang on I am not going to reveal the entire suspense of RA.ONE movie. You just wait and watch, Shahrukh Khan is coming to thrill you and make you feel warm in the frizzy winter.
So what every actor does it just cuz is the king u cant always target him..
Well most of the actors do plastic surgery. if SRK have also done that whats the big deal. He looks handsome in his 45 year of age.
Scott Loessin
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